Episode #11: MST3K Appreciation-The Joel Years
We finished up our appreciation of all things Mystery Science Theater 3000 by talking about Joel Hodgeson, who played Joel Robinson for five seasons, on top of being the creator of the whole damn show! To help discuss all things Joel, frequent writer at Invasion of the B Movies Maria stops by to confess her love for Joel. In one of the more action packed episodes, Jason announces that December is going to be Reader's Choice month at The Site and having the readers pick what movies he should review. Nolahn tells us about all the great things that went down during his B-Movie Bonanaza. We all also come clean and talk about our favorite Joel episodes, read what the listeners said were their favorites, and respond to our first email! YAY!! Then after a brief tense flashback, we discuss the history of MST3k, about the creations and it's beginnings in Minnesota, explaining why part 2 is occuring in November. The movies, and episodes, discussed were "Gamera vs Guiron" (Episode 312) and "Warrior of the Lost World" (Episode 501).
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